Empowering Productivity Through Level 10 Meetings: A Lesson from Gino Wickman’s “Traction”

Carlos Hesano, President of the Restoration Division

In the world of the home service industry, where efficiency, accountability, and constant improvement are paramount, we discovered a game-changing approach over 5 years ago that has significantly contributed to the growth and success of DRYmedic and the entire restoration division. This approach revolves around Level 10 Meetings, a concept we’ve enthusiastically adopted from Gino Wickman’s book “Traction.” In this article, I’ll share our journey and experiences with Level 10 Meetings, which have led to a more motivated and accountable team, successful achievement of our Rocks, and a proactive approach to addressing weekly issues.

Solving the Puzzle: Uniting Roles and Responsibilities

In the intricate web of our professional lives, we often find ourselves navigating diverse roles and responsibilities. These facets can sometimes seem disjointed or overlapping, potentially leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. It’s a scenario that many of us can relate to. That’s why I’ve come to firmly believe in the adage that “2+2=5.” This equation embodies a powerful concept: a united front, working collectively toward a common goal or addressing an issue, holds far greater strength than individual efforts. It’s a principle that has guided our journey, and at its core is a concept we’ve wholeheartedly embraced – Level 10 Meetings, 

From Vision to Execution

In our industry, clarity of vision is pivotal, and EOS delivers just that. The Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO), has helped us articulate our core values, core focus, and long-term goals. With a shared vision in place, our franchise management team has a clear direction and purpose, fostering motivation and alignment.

Connecting and Breaking the Ice: The Segue

In our Level 10 Meetings, we start with the Segue—a pivotal component that serves as a connection point and icebreaker for the entire meeting. During this brief introduction, we take a moment to connect on both a personal and professional level, sharing our personal bests and business bests from the previous week. It’s a simple yet potent gesture that fosters camaraderie, strengthens our team bonds, and reminds us that we’re more than just colleagues; we’re a community working collaboratively toward common goals. This practice sets a positive and engaging tone for the rest of the meeting, ensuring that we approach our discussions with a unified spirit.

The Issues List: Swiftly Addressing Urgent Matters

In our EOS Traction system, the Issues List serves as a rapid-response tool, primarily focused on resolving sudden, smaller issues that demand immediate attention. While it can encompass larger concerns for future consideration, its primary function is to swiftly handle pressing matters that could otherwise disrupt our workflow. These issues span a range of topics, from unexpected operational challenges to critical, time-sensitive decisions. By dedicating a space for these urgent matters, we ensure that our quarterly priorities, or Rocks, stay on course without unnecessary interruptions.

Rocks: The Long-Term Milestones

In the EOS Traction system, “Rocks” are not fleeting aspirations; they are substantial, long-term milestones that require more than just a week’s effort to accomplish. These strategic objectives are carefully selected during our quarterly planning sessions, embodying the essence of our long-term vision. Assigned to specific individuals or teams within our organization, Rocks symbolize the enduring commitments we make to our collective success.  We grade our progress on these Rocks based on whether they are on or off track, ensuring that we stay aligned with our goals. Inspired by Gino Wickman’s “Traction,” our focus on these Rocks ensures that our efforts are directed towards objectives that will significantly impact our journey. They serve as the compass guiding us through the challenges and opportunities, marking our path to progress in the long haul.

To-Do List: Navigating Immediate Actions

In contrast to our 90-day Rocks, the To-Do List captures action items demanding completion within a mere 7 days. These tasks often bypass regular discussions but are held firmly accountable once listed. On the To-Do List, items are categorized as either “done” or “not done.” No elaborate debates, no lengthy explanations—just straightforward accountability. Unfinished tasks either roll over to the following week or find their place on the Issues List for future attention. This rapid exercise, typically lasting about 5 minutes, clears the path for our primary meeting focus: Identifying, Discussing, and Solving (IDS) the issues at hand, ensuring effective progress.

Rate Your Meeting: Pursuing Excellence

In our pursuit of exceptional meetings, achieving a rating of 8 or higher is our benchmark. If we fall short of this mark, it’s essential to investigate why. Often, it can be attributed to factors such as low attendance, insufficient participation, or veering off track. Understanding these reasons enables us to course-correct effectively, ensuring that future meetings consistently meet the mark of excellence. Our commitment to improvement is a testament to our dedication to fostering productive and purposeful gatherings.

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